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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

User Engagement Analytics Policy

Exabeam uses user engagement analytics to provide in-app walkthroughs and anonymously analyze user behavior, such as page views and clicks in the UI. This data informs user research and improves the overall user experience of the Exabeam Security Management Platform (SMP). Our user engagement analytics sends usage data from the web browser of the user to a cloud-based service called Pendo.

There are three types of data that our user engagement analytics receives from the web browser of the user. This data is sent to a cloud-based service called Pendo:

  • Metadata – User and account information that is explicitly provided when a user logs in to the Exabeam SMP, such as:

    • User ID or user email

    • Account name

    • IP address

    • Browser name and version

  • Page Load Data – Information on pages as users navigate to various parts of the Exabeam SMP, such as root paths of URLs and page titles.

  • UI Interactions Data – Information on how users interact with the Exabeam SMP, such as:

    • Clicking the Search button

    • Clicking inside a text box

    • Tabbing into a text box