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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

Filter Rules

In Advanced Analytics settings, filter all rules configured in your system to quickly find a specific rules that fit certain criteria.

To view the existing rules in Advanced Analytics, click SETTINGS A grey gear icon > Analytics, and then navigate to Admin Operations > Exabeam Rules.

To find a specific rule, filter all rules by:

  • Use Cases – The use case or scenario the rule detects.

  • Rule Category – The category the rule falls under.

  • Created By – Who created the rule.

  • Updated By – Who edited the rule.

  • Status – Whether the rule is enabled or disabled.

  • Published – Whether the rule is a Draft and has been edited but not reloaded, or Published and all changes are reloaded.

  • Trigger Frequency – Whether the rule was ever triggered.