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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

System Health Alerts for Low Disk Space

Get notified when your disk is running low on space.

Your Advanced Analytics system may go down for several hours when it upgrades or restarts. During this down time, your log source continues to send logs to a disk, accumulating a backlog of unprocessed logs. Log Ingestion and Messaging Engine (LIME) tries to process this backlog when it starts running again. If your log source sends logs faster than what your system size can handle, LIME may struggle to process these logs, run out of disk space, and stop working correctly.

Your Advanced Analytics system already uses mechanisms, like compressing files, to conserve as much space as possible. If your disk is still running out of space, you receive system health alerts.

If LIME is running, you receive two system health alerts. When the disk has 25 percent capacity remaining, the first health alert notifies you that you're running low on disk space. In the rare case that your disk has 15 percent capacity remaining, a second health alert notifies you that your system has deleted files, starting with the largest one, as a last resort to keep your system running.

If LIME goes down, Advanced Analytics can't send health alerts. When LIME is running again, you may receive a belated health alert. In the rare case that your disk reached 15 percent remaining capacity while LIME was down, this health alert notifies you that your system has deleted files, starting with the largest one, as a last resort to keep your system running.

When you receive these health alerts, consider tuning your system so it ingests less logs or ingests logs more slowly. If you ingest logs from Data Lake, consider setting a lower log forwarding rate.Configure Log Forwarding Rate