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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

Ingest Logs from Google Cloud Pub/Sub into Advanced Analytics


The information in this section applies to Advanced Analytics versions i60–i62.

To create events from Google Cloud Pub/Sub topics, you must configure Google Pub/Sub as an Advanced Analytics log source.

Prerequisites to Configure Google Pub/Sub

Procedure to Configure Google Pub/Sub

  1. In the sidebar, click SETTINGSA grey gear icon, then select Analytics.

  2. Under Log Management, select Log Ingestion Settings.

  3. Click ADD, then from the Source Type list, select Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

  4. Enter information about your Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic:

    • Description – Describe the topic, what kinds of logs you're ingesting, or any other information helpful for you to identify this as a log source.

    • Service key – Upload the Google Cloud service account key JSON file you downloaded.

    • Subscriptions

      • Subscription name – Enter the Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscription ID you created.

      • Description – Describe the subscription, to which Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic it was created, or what messages it receives.

  5. To verify the connection to your Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic, click TEST CONNECTION. If you see an error, verify the information you entered then retest the connection.

  6. Click SAVE.

  7. Restart Log Ingestion and Messaging Engine (LIME).

    To ingest specific logs from your Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic, configure a log feed.