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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

Rule Naming Convention

Exabeam has an internal Rule ID naming convention that is outlined below. This system is used for Exabeam created rules and models only. When a rule is created or cloned by a customer, the system will automatically create a Rule ID for the new rule that consists of customer-created, followed by a random hash. For example, a new rule could be called, customer-created-4Ef3DDYQsQ {.

The Exabeam convention for model and rule names is: ET-SF-A/F-Z

ET: The event types that the model or rule addresses. For example,

  • RA = remote-access

  • NKL = NTLM/Kerberos-logon

  • RL = remote-logon

SF: Scope and Feature of the model. For example,

  • HU = Scope=Host, Feature=User

  • OZ = Scope=Organization, Feature=Zone

A/F: For rules only

  • A = Abnormal

  • F = First

Z : Additional Information (Optional). For example,

  • DC: Domain Controller models/rules

  • CS: Critical Systems