- Advanced Analytics
- Understand the Basics of Advanced Analytics
- Configure Log Management
- Set Up Admin Operations
- Set Up Authentication and Access Control
- Additional Configurations
- Configure Rules
- Exabeam Threat Intelligence Service
- Threat Intelligence Service Prerequisites
- View Threat Intelligence Feeds
- Threat Intelligence Context Tables
- View Threat Intelligence Context Tables
- Assign a Threat Intelligence Feed to a New Context Table
- Create a New Context Table from a Threat Intelligence Feed
- Check ExaCloud Connector Service Health Status
- Exabeam Cloud Telemetry Service
- Manage Security Content in Advanced Analytics
- Health Status Page
Universal Role-Based Access
Universal role-based access centralizes user identity and access management (IAM) for applications across the entire Exabeam Security Operations Platform. If you are a new Advanced Analytics customer, you should set up IAM exclusively with universal role-based access. For information on configuring universal role-based access, refer to Universal Role-Based Access in the Exabeam Security Operations Platform Administration Guide.
For information on migrating from legacy authentication to universal role-based access, see Migrate to Universal Role-Based Access.
Existing customers can continue to use legacy role-based access control until they are prepared to migrate to universal role-based access. For information, see Legacy Role-Based Access Control.