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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

Create a Context Table

To introduce context data into your environment, create a table object to contain your data and reference it in queries and lookups.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Accounts & Groups > Context Tables.

  2. At the top right of the UI, click the blue + to open the New Context Table dialogue box.

    A plus sign icon to add Context table.
  3. Fill in the details of the type of context table that this will be.

    New Context Table with name, object type, key-value type, label assignment form.

    Fill in table attribute fields:

    Name – A unique name identifying the table in queries and in the context of your organization.

    Object Type – The type gives the table additional tagging (with information on the potential data source, such as LDAP for users or user groups).

    • Users – This object type is associated with users and user group context tables. LDAP data sources can be used to fill its content.

    • Assets – These are itemizable objects of value to your organization. These can be devices, files, or workstations/servers.

    • Miscellaneous – These are reference objects of interest, such as tags for groups of objects within a department or network zones.

    Type – Select the field structure in the table as Key Value or Key Only. See Prepare Context Data for more information. If you are creating a correlation context table, use Key Only.

    Label Assignment – Click the text source for creating the label or use no label. See Prepare Context Data for more information.

  4. Click Save to advance to the table details UI for the newly created context table.

Your table is ready to store data. The following sections describe ways to add data to your table. Each method is dependent on the data source and intended use of the table.