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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

Custom Context Tables

Exabeam provides several filters and lookups to get your security deployment running immediately. However, there may be assets and users within your organization that need particular attention and cannot be fully addressed out of the box. Custom context tables allow you the flexibility to create watchlists or reference lists for assets, threat intelligence indicators, and users/groups that do not fit in the typical deployment categories. Custom context tables let you put parts of your organization under extra monitoring or special scrutiny, such as financial servers, privileged insiders, and high-level departed employees.

Within Advanced Analytics, you can create watchlists using context tables. When creating the table, the Label attribute allows you to attach tags to records that match entries in your context table. This provides quick access to query your results and/or focus your tracking using a global characteristic.

You can also build rules based on entries in your context tables. Set up alerts, actions, or playbooks to trigger when conditions match records, such as access to devices in a special asset group.