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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

System Health Checks

Martini Service Check: Martini is the name Exabeam has given to its Analytics Engine. In a multi-node environment, Martini will be the Master node.

Tequila Service Check: Tequila is the name Exabeam has given to its User Interface layer.

Lime Service Check: LIME (Log Ingestion and Message Extraction) is the service within Exabeam that ingests logs from an organization's SIEM, parses and then stores them in HDFS. The main service mode parses message files and creates one message file per log file. This mode is used to create message files that will be consumed by the main node.

Mongo Service Check: MongoDB is Exabeam's chosen persistence database. A distributed MongoDB system contains three elements: shards, routers, and configuration servers (configsvr). The shards are where the data is stored; the routers are the piece that distributes and collect the data from the different shards; and the configuration servers which tracks where the various pieces of data are stored in the shards.

Zookeeper Service Check: Zookeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. In a distributed multi-node environment, we need the ability to make a value change inside one process on a machine and have that change be seen by a different process on a different machine. Zookeeper provides this service.

Hadoop Service Check: Master - Hadoop is Exabeam's distributed file system, where the raw logs and parsed events are stored. These files are available to all nodes.

Ganglia Service Check: Ganglia is a distributed monitoring system for computing systems. It allows us to view live or historical statistics for all the machines that are being monitored.

License Checks: The status of your Exabeam license will be reported in this section. This is where you will find the expiration date for your current license.