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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

View Threat Intelligence Feeds

To view threat intelligence feeds in Advanced Analytics, open the Settings page. Navigate to the Cloud Config tile and select Threat Intelligence Feeds.

TIS Feeds Settings Link.png

The Threat Intelligence Feeds page displays a list of the feeds provided by the cloud-based Exabeam Threat Intelligence service. The list includes the following information about each feed:

  • Type: The type of feed (for example, domain list, IP list, etc.)

  • Name: The name of the feed (given by the cloud-based service)

  • Description: A short description of the feed

  • Context Tables: The context tables associated with the feed

  • Status: Indicates the availability of the feed in the cloud-based service

  • Updated: The date and time the feed was last updated from the cloud service

Cloud Config in Settings to select Threat Intelligence Feeds.

To view additional detailed information about a specific feed, click the arrow to the left of the feed. An additional view expands with more information, including ID, Source URL, Indicator in Context Tables, Retrieved from Source, and Feed Indicator Sample.

TIS Feeds Settings Overview - Expand 2.png

For information about context tables and how they are related to threat intelligence feeds, see Threat Intelligence Context Tables.