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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

Prepare Context Data

You can upload data as CSV files with either key and value columns or key-only column. All context tables include a Label to tag matching records into groups during parsing and filtering.

Key-value CSV –Two-field data file with a header row. This lookup lists correlations between the two fields, such as:

Key Fieldname

Value Fieldname


Accounts Receivable


Accounts Payable

Key-only CSV – Single-field data file with no header row. Items on this list are compared to as being present or not during data filtering. For example, a watchlist context table, SpecialGroup, consists of user groups of special interest:

“Accounts Receivable”

“Accounts Payable”

“Accounting Database Admin”

You can create a correlation rule that sends an alert when the monitoring data contains a user having the group name that matches any in the Special Group table.

Label – The named tag associated with a record. This allows you to filter groups of records during parsing or filtering. You can also use labels to assemble watchlists based on groupings rather than by individual asset or user record.


You can opt not to use labels by selecting No Label during table creation. Otherwise, labels are associated with tables and its records. For key-value context tables, the Label is drawn from the value field of the matching context table entry. For key-only context tables, the Label is the table attribute you enter in the Manual Assignment field during table creation and is used to tag all matching records.

New Context Table with Label Assignment selected as No Label