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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsExabeam Advanced Analytics Administration Guide

Out-of-the-Box Context Tables

Context Table


Available Actions



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam.

Administrators cannot add, edit, or delete the entries in this context table.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam.

Administrators cannot add, edit, or delete the entries in this context table.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or AD filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Active Directory filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Active Directory filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Advanced Directoryfilters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Active Directory filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Active Directory filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Active Directory filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Active Directory filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam.

Administrators cannot add, edit, or delete the entries in this context table.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Active Directory filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



This table is automatically populated when administrators integrate their LDAP system with Exabeam and add regular expression through the Advanced Analytics tab.

Administrators can add entries manually via CSV or Active Directory filters. Where Administrators have manually added users, they can also edit or delete entries.



Administrators can add entries manually, via CSV, or Active Directory. Entries can also be edited or deleted.