- Advanced Analytics
- Understand the Basics of Advanced Analytics
- Configure Log Management
- Set Up Admin Operations
- Set Up Authentication and Access Control
- Additional Configurations
- Configure Rules
- Exabeam Threat Intelligence Service
- Threat Intelligence Service Prerequisites
- View Threat Intelligence Feeds
- Threat Intelligence Context Tables
- View Threat Intelligence Context Tables
- Assign a Threat Intelligence Feed to a New Context Table
- Create a New Context Table from a Threat Intelligence Feed
- Check ExaCloud Connector Service Health Status
- Exabeam Cloud Telemetry Service
- Manage Security Content in Advanced Analytics
- Health Status Page
Configure Alerts for Worker Node Lag
When processing current or historical logs, an alert will be triggered when the worker node is falling behind the master node. How far behind can be configured in /opt/config/exabeam/tequila/custom/health.conf
. The parameters are defined below:
- During real-time processing the default setting is 6 hours.HistoricalModeTimeLagHours
- During historical processing the default setting is 48 hours.syslogIngestionDelayHour
- If processing syslogs, the default setting is 2 hours.
} slaveMasterLagCheck { printFormats = { json = "{ \"lagTimeHours\": \"$lagTimeHours\", \"masterRunDate\": \"$masterRunDate\", \"slaveRunDate\": \"$slaveRunDate\", \"isRealTimeMode\": \"$isRealTimeMode\"}" plainText = "Worker nodes processing lagging by more than $lagTimeHours hours. Is in real time: $isRealTimeMode " } RTModeTimeLagHours = 6 HistoricalModeTimeLagHours = 48 } limeCheck { syslogIngestionDelayHour = 1 }