- Cloud Collectors Overview
- Administration
- Administrative Access
- Shareable Service Accounts
- Add Accounts for AWS Cloud Collectors
- Add Accounts for Cisco Duo Cloud Collector
- Add Accounts for Google Cloud Collectors
- Add Accounts for Microsoft Cloud Collectors
- Add Accounts for Okta Cloud Collectors
- Add Accounts for Salesforce Cloud Collectors
- Add Accounts for Splunk Cloud Collectors
- Add Accounts for Trend Micro Cloud Collectors
- Add Accounts for Wiz
- Define a Unique Site Name
- Sign Up for the Early Access Program
- Onboard Cloud Collectors
- Abnormal Security Cloud Collector
- AWS CloudTrail Cloud Collectors
- AWS CloudWatch Cloud Collector
- AWS S3 Cloud Collector
- AWS SQS Cloud Collector
- Azure Activity Logs Cloud Collector
- Azure Log Analytics Cloud Collector
- Azure Event Hub Cloud Collector
- Azure Storage Analytics Cloud Collector
- Box Cloud Collector
- Cato Networks Cloud Collector
- Cisco Duo Cloud Collector
- Cisco Meraki Cloud Collector
- Cisco Umbrella Cloud Collector
- Cribl Cloud Collector
- CrowdStrike Cloud Collectors
- GCP Pub/Sub Cloud Collector
- Microsoft Defender XDR (via Azure Event Hub) Cloud Collector
- Microsoft Entra ID Context Cloud Collector
- Microsoft Entra ID Logs Cloud Collector
- Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin Reports Cloud Collector
- Supported Sources from Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin Reports
- Migrate to the Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin Reports Cloud Collector
- Prerequisites to Configure the Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin Reports Cloud Collector
- Configure the Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin Reports Cloud Collector
- Troubleshooting the Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin Reports Cloud Collector
- Microsoft 365 Management Activity Cloud Collector
- Microsoft Security Alerts Cloud Collector
- Microsoft Sentinel (via Event Hub) Cloud Collector
- Netskope Alerts Cloud Collector
- Netskope Events Cloud Collector
- Okta Cloud Collector
- Okta Context Cloud Collector
- Palo Alto Networks Cortex Data Lake Cloud Collector
- Proofpoint On-Demand Cloud Collector
- Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection Cloud Collector
- Recorded Future Cloud Collector
- Salesforce Cloud Collector
- SentinelOne Alerts Cloud Collector
- SentinelOne Cloud Funnel Cloud Collector
- SentinelOne Threats Cloud Collector
- SentinelOne Cloud Collector
- ServiceNow Cloud Collector
- Splunk Cloud Collector
- Symantec Endpoint Security Cloud Collector
- Trend Vision One Cloud Collector
- Zscaler ZIA Cloud Collector
- Webhook Cloud Collectors
- Wiz Issues Cloud Collector
- Wiz API Cloud Collector
- Troubleshooting Cloud Collectors
Add Accounts for AWS Cloud Collectors
For ease of setup, you can supply your AWS account information for use across one or more AWS Cloud Collectors. For example, you could use the same account across an AWS CloudTrail Cloud Collector and an AWS S3 Cloud Collector.
Before you can set up the shareable account, you must set up the identity in AWS and use either basic or STSAssumeRole authentication based on the options available in the AWS account. The method STSAssumeRole is the most recommended method of authentication for AWS. This method allows you to monitor S3/SQS in different AWS accounts.
To add the account, you must create an IAM Policy, an IAM user, an IAM role, and an AWS account. Based on the authentication method that you select, create an IAM User or Role.
If you select the basic authentication method for authenticating with IAM user, you must:
If you select the STSAssumeRole authentication method for authenticating with STSAssumeRole user, you must:
For any of the authentication methods basic or STSAssumeRole, an IAM Policy is required, with minimal permissions that allows it to manipulate the SQS queue and read the objects from the S3 bucket. You must Create an IAM Policy.
Create an IAM Policy
In your AWS console, navigate to Services > IAM > Policies > Create policy.
Click on the JSON tab, to get an online editor.
Ensure that each of the AWS Cloud Collectors have their own IAM Policy with the relevant permissions.
Replace the default empty JSON with the JSON below.
AWS CloudTrail (via S3) and AWS S3
Use the following JSON and update the Queue ARN and Bucket ARN based on your configuration.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "sqs:DeleteMessage", "sqs:ReceiveMessage" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-west-1:123456789012:<resource-id>" }, { "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>/*" } ] }
In the above policy, the first statement refers to SQS queues which are used for SQS events. For your configuration, substitute the names of your S3 buckets and/or queues. You can update the SQS or Queue ARN. The second statement refers to the S3 bucket. You can update the Bucket ARN.
To obtain the Queue ARN to be added in
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-west-1:123456789012:<resource-id>"
and Bucket name or ARN to be added in"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>"
, see Obtain the Queue ARN and Obtain the Bucket ARN.Note
If your S3 buckets are encrypted, you must add additional permissions to the policy. For more information, review the following guide: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/decrypt-kms-encrypted-objects-s3/.
Obtain the Queue ARN
To obtain the Queue ARN refer to the following steps.
Log in to the Amazon SQS console with your registered credentials as an administrator by accessing https://console.aws.amazon.com/sqs/.
In the Search box, type
, and click Simple Queue Service in the search results.Click the existing queue for which you want to view the ARN.
In the Details section, under ARN, record the ARN which you can use in the JSON.
Obtain the Bucket ARN
To obtain the bucket ARN or name, refer to the following steps.
Log in to the AWS console with your registered credentials as an administrator by accessing https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/.
In the left pane, click Buckets to view the list of buckets.
In the bucket list, click the name of the bucket for which you want to view properties.
Click Properties.
Record the Bucket ARN to be used in the JSON.
For more information see Buckets Overview and Bucket Properties in the AWS documentation.
Create an IAM User
To authenticate with IAM user, use the following steps. For more information, see Creating an IAM user in your AWS account in the AWS documentation.
In your AWS console, navigate to Services > IAM > Users > Create user.
Specify a unique name for the user on the Specify user details page, and click Next.
On the Set permissions page, (for Basic authentication only) select Attach Policies Directly and search for any policies you created.
Typically you will have one policy per cloud collector. For STSAssumeRole authentication, skip this step.
Continue with and complete the user creation process (tags are optional).
After creating a user, click View user in the notification.
Create an access key by clicking Create access key in the Summary section. For more information on creating and managing access keys, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the AWS documentation.
Record the Secret Access Key and Access Key ID. Optionally download the credentials in CSV format, as they will not be accessible after you leave this page.
Create an IAM Role
An IAM Role is required for the STSAssumeRole authentication. To create an IAM role, use the following steps.
In your AWS console, navigate to Services > IAM > Roles > Create Role.
Enable the AWS service and select EC2 service from the Service or use case list, then click Next: Permissions.
This will create a Trust relationship that allows EC2 instances to call AWS services on your behalf. You will modify the Trust relationship later, per authentication method that you choose.
Search the policy created earlier and check its checkbox. Click ext: Name, review, and create.
Specify a meaningful name, for example ExabeamCCAWSConnectorRole, and provide a description. Then click Create Role.
Optionally add tags. Click Next: Review.
For the user you want to assume the role:
Go to Trust relationships tab and then click Edit trust relationship.
Make sure the Statements array contains the following entry (modify accordingly for your user):
{ "Effect":"Allow", "Principal":{ "AWS":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/ccuser" }, "Action":"sts:AssumeRole" }
Click Update Trust Policy.
Search for and then select the new role.
Record the role ARN.
Navigate to IAM > Roles and search for the role created earlier.
Create an AWS Account
Create an AWS account in which the authentication credentials for the AWS service are saved. Perform this workflow after you complete the setup of the identity in AWS as described in the earlier sections such as creating an IAM Policy, authenticating with an IAM user, and authenticating with STSAssumeRole in Add Accounts for AWS Cloud Collectors.
To create an AWS account:
Log in to the New-Scale Security Operations Platform with your registered credentials as an administrator.
Navigate to Collectors > Cloud Collectors.
Click Accounts, then click New Account.
In the Add a New Account page, enter the required information.
VENDOR – Select the vendor as Amazon.
NAME – Specify a name for the AWS account.
AUTHENTICATION – Select and provide information for the authentication type, either Basic or STSAssumeRole:
ACCESS KEY – Enter the secret key that you obtained while creating a designated user.
SECRET KEY – Enter the secret key that you obtained while creating a designated user.
ROLE ARN – (STSAssumeRole only) Enter the role ARN that you obtained while creating an IAM role.
ROLE SESSION NAME – (STSAssumeRole only) Specify a name for the role session to identify the use of this role. For example, Exabeam.
EXTERNAL ID – (STSAssumeRole only, optional) Enter a unique identifier that might be required when you assume a role in a different AWS account.
SIGNING ENDPOINT – (STSAssumeRole only) Select the signing endpoint from the list to which you want to redirect STS requests. For example, sts.amazonaws.com, or sts.us-west-1.amazonaws.com.
Click Save.
Proceed to Onboard Cloud Collectors.
When you onboard new collectors for AWS services, you must select the AWS account. You can reuse credentials between different AWS collectors provided that you have the required permissions configured for the collector.