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CollectorsCloud Collectors Administration Guide

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Sign Up for the Early Access Program

The early access program offers you an opportunity to gain access to the latest cloud collectors, try out new features, and share your valuable feedback to help us refine and enhance the collectors before their official release.

The cloud collectors are compatible with the following versions:

  • SaaS Advanced Analytics i62.x

  • SaaS Advanced Analytics i63.x

  • SaaS Data Lake (any version)

  • New-Scale Security Operations Platform deployments

The new cloud collectors service offers several benefits that include:

  • Unlimited EPS via auto scaling

  • Improved user experience with user-friendly error messages, recommended actions for troubleshooting, and statistics on volume ingestion over time (up to 3 months)

To sign up for the early access program, use the following steps.

  1. Log in to the New-Scale Security Operations Platform with your registered credentials as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to Collectors > Cloud Collectors.

  3. In the Collectors section, select the tag Coming Soon.

  4. In the list of cloud collectors tagged as coming soon, click the tile for the cloud collector for which you want to sign up.

  5. In the right pane, on the cloud collector configuration page, click Sign up.

  6. In the Early Access For Cloud Collectors form, specify the details such as email and expected EPS or volume, and click Submit.

    After you complete the sign up process, the Exabeam cloud collectors team communicates the details and enables the requested cloud collector for you.

    After Exabeam enables the collector for your New-Scale Security Operations Platform, the tile label changes to EARLY ACCESS. You can then proceed to configure the early access collector.

  7. Configure the early access collector based on the instructions specified in the cloud collector documentation.

  8. (Optional) Provide any feedback about the collector's performance or usability.

    For any questions, feedback, or assistance and technical support, contact the early access team by sending an email message on .